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Tuesday, August 16, 2011


(Sambucus javanica Reinw.)

Sangitan efficacy and benefits to health are:

Body swelling in kidney disease, beriberi
Wash 30-60 g sangitan following herbs roots, then cut into pieces as needed. Boil in 3 gelaas water until remaining 1 glass. Once cool, strain and filter drinking water all at once. Preferably, the herb is taken in the morning.

Rheumatism, lumbago, swelling due to hit
Boil 15-30 g whole dried plant sangitan in 3 water glass until remaining 1 glass. Once cool strain and filter divided for 2 times drinks, morning and afternoon. Boiling water can also be used to compress the sick body.

The whole plant fresh sangitan sufficiently washed and cut into pieces as needed. Boil with 3-5 liters of water to boiling. Warm used for bathing.

Wash sangitan 30-50 g of dried roots or 90 g of fresh roots sangitan, then cut into pieces as needed. Add the same amount of beef that much, then the team. After a cold drink of water and the meat is eaten.

Swelling caused by contact with punches, broken bones
Wash 20 g of dried root sangitan, then cut into pieces as needed. Add 400 cc of water and 2 shot glass of white wine, then boil until the water remaining half. Add 30 g sugar, stirring rate. Once cool, strain and filter drinking water for 2 times drinks, morning and afternoon.

Swelling caused by blows hit
Wash 60 g of dried root sangitan, then cut into pieces as needed. Dalam3 Boil water glass until remaining 1 glass. Once cool, strain and filter drinking water. For external use, wash the fresh leaves, then milled until smooth. Apply the mixture to the place of the sick, then wrapped with gauze.

Pharmacological Effects and Outcomes Research
Sangitan leaf infusion with a concentration of 1 mg / ml, 0.1 mg / ml, and 0.01 mg / ml suppressed the GPT enzyme leakage into the suspension medium isolated rat hepatocytes caused by toxic substances galaktosamin HCL D-2 M. Something similar, also obtained in extracts of hexane and ether fractions of hydrolysis. From the results of the separation of the fraction of ether can be isolated triterpene compounds, namely compounds amirin.

Pregnant women are forbidden to drink decoction of this medicinal plant as it can cause fetal death.

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