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Sunday, June 5, 2011

(Daucus Carota L.)

Tribe: Umbelliferae
Name: Carotae Rhizoma (roots Carrots), Carotae Fructus (fruit carrot).

1-1.5 m tall, grows in cool temperature 20 ยบ C. Type enough carrots, grow well at an altitude of 500-1000 m above sea level or 1000-2000. To grow requires a rich sandy soil organic matter and adequate sunshine. Carrots grow throughout the year.
Carrots short trunk, wet, is a set of stems that come out of the upper end of the tubers. Double compound leaf, oval, notch edge, pointed tip, grooved base, 15-20 cm long, 10-13 cm wide, pinnate green bone. Flowers gathered in the compound umbrella, star-shaped crown, smooth, white. White oval seeds. root upside, ballooned to orange fleshy tubers. Carrots are harvested after 60-90 days old. Carrots can be eaten raw, in juice, and can be made soup or salad. With its natural sugar content is high enough, carrot juice can increase the body's energy.

The nature and Benefits
Nutritious carrot roots strengthen liver function, launched urine, useless waste substances through the kidneys, antiseptics, laxatives, and protect the body from toxic chemicals. Wild carrot leaves and seeds efficacious diuretic and launch periods.

Chemical Ingredients
Fresh carrots contain water, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, ash, nutrients, anti-cancer, natural sugars (fructose, sucrose, dektrosa, lactose and maltose), pectin, glutathione, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, Magnesium, Chromium), vitamins (beta-carotene, B1, and C) and asparagine.

parts used
The part used is the roots, seeds and leaves.

Carrot roots are used for the treatment of:
• high blood pressure
• blood cholesterol levels high
• cancer, such as pancreatic and lung cancer
• hepatitis
• prevent strokes and night blindness
• body weak with low blood sugar levels
• Chronic diarrhea in infants
• worm pinworm in children
• measles, chicken pox
• difficult bowel movement
• prevent toxicity of hazardous chemicals, such as heavy metals
• stop smoking
• shortness of breath.

Leaves used for:
• beautify hair
• increase the sex hormone
• facilitate the inflamed urinary bladder and kidney stones

Leaves and seeds are used to overcome:
• urinary tract stones
• abdominal pain (colic)
• feeling sick after getting out of bed in the morning due to alcohol
• flatulence

Example usage
• Wash the mouth and throat rinse
1 sliced fresh carrots thin size. Add 3 cups water, then boil for 20 minutes. then remove and let stand for 30 minutes, then strain. Save the filtered water in the refrigerator. This concoction to wash the mouth and throat rinse every morning. Nutritious cooking water antiseptic.
• high blood cholesterol levels, cancer
Wash fresh carrots 5 medium size, and juice or grated. . Drinking water filters at once. Do it every day.

• body weak with low sugar levels
Drink ½ cup of carrot juice mixed with ½ cup pineapple juice.
• constipation, contaminated with toxic chemicals
Wash 2 medium carrots and 2 pieces of fresh cabbage leaves until clean. Eat with rice.
• stop smoking
Eating carrots 2-3 medium sized fresh every day. Do it for 2-3 weeks
• asthma
Eat 2-3 carrots that have been steamed, then drink warm water. Another way of warm drink carrot juice every day.
• hepatitis
Wash the fresh carrot taste then rinse with boiled water. Cut into pieces as needed, and make the juice. Alternatively, grated carrots and 1 cup of strained, and drank. do 2 times a day.
• Colic
brewed the powder 1 tablespoon carrot seeds with ¾ cup hot water. after a cold drink and do 3 times a day
• ulcers
Wash fresh carrot leaves in moderation, then finely minced, add a little honey, stirring well. Rub this mixture into a place of pain, and then bandaged with gauze. Change herbs 2-3 times a day.

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