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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mustache Cat
(Orthosiphon spicatus B.B.S.)

Tribe: Labiate (Lamiaceae).

Mustache cut grows wild along streams and ditches, or planted in the garden as a medicinal plant, and can be found in lowland until height of 700 m above sea level. Grow up, 50-150 cm tall. Stem woody, slightly grooved rectangle, beruas, branching, with short hair or bald, deeply rooted. single leaf, oval, elliptical, or elongated, smooth-haired, jagged edge, pointed tip and base, thin, 2-10 cm long, 1-5 cm wide, green color. Compound interest pale purple or white. Fruit of fruit boxes, round egg, young green, dark brown after. Young small beans are green, the black elderly. Mustache cat can be propagated by seeds or stem cuttings.

The nature and Benefits
Mustache cat herbs taste a little bitter sweet, its cool. Efficacious as an anti-inflammatory, Facilitate urine (diuretic), eliminating hot and humid, and urinary tract stones destroyed. Chemical Ingredients Orthosiphonin glycosides, tannin substances, ASIRI oil, fatty oils, saponins, sapofonin, potassium salt, mionositol, and sinensetin. Potassium potent diuretic and urinary stone solvent, antibacterial efficacious sinensetin.

Example Usage

• Kidney infection, swollen because of fluid in the tissue deposits, hypertension
Wash your cat's whiskers, leaves, spoon, grass snake's tongue, each 30 g, and then boiled in 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Once cool, strain and drink 2 times a day, each ½ cup.

• urinary tract infections, frequent urination
provide fresh herbs cat's whiskers, herbs and roots phyllanthi reeds each 30 g, then wash clean. Further cut into pieces as needed, boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining half. Once cool, strain and drunk 3 times a day, each half cup.

• urine of stone
Wash 90 g herb cat whiskers, and then boiled in 1 liter of water. Let boil until the water left over 750 cc. After a cold, drink 3 times a day, each 1 / 3 part. Do it every day until cured

• Diabetes
Wash the leaves and leaf cat whiskers fresh kariyat (each 7 sheets), ¾ bitter grape finger sticks, then cut into pieces as needed. Boil the stems in 3 clean water glass until until remaining 2 cups. Cool and strain. Drink this concoction in the morning and afternoon, each 1 cup, half hour before eating.

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