Cayenne Pepper
(Capsium frutescens L.)
Tribe: Nightshade
These plants come from tropical America, likes dry areas, and found 0,5-1,250 m altitude above sea level. Shrubs a year, much branching, 50-100 cm tall. Upper stem angle. Single leaves, stemmed, where alternating. Oval leaf blade, the tip pointed, base narrowed, the average, bone pinnate, 5-9,5 cm long, 1,5-5,5 cm wide green. Fruit 1-3 cm long, 2,5-12 mm wide, long-stemmed, and it was spicy. cayenne pepper can be propagated by seeds.
The nature and Benefits
It's spicy chili sauce, hot in nature, in the heart and pancreas meridian. This potent tonic plants, a strong stimulant to the heart and blood flow, destroying blood clots (anticoagulants), increased appetite (stomatik), stimulating the skin (if rubbed into the skin will feel hot). So used as a liniment mixture, Facilitate fart (carminative), Facilitate sweat (diaforetik), Facilitate saliva, and Facilitate urine (diuretic).
Chemical Ingredients
The fruit contains Capsaicin, kapsantin, carotenoids, essential alkaloids, resins, oils evaporate, vitamins (A and C), Capsaicin gives spicy taste to the chili, believed to produce blood flow. Beans contain solasomine, and steroid saponins (kapsidin). Kapsidin efficacious as antibiotics.
Part used
All parts of plants can be used as medicinal plants, such as fruits, roots, leaves, and stems.
Example Usage
• Legs and arms limp (like paralysis)
Provide 2 cayenne bonngol roots, 15 pairs of chicken feet are cut slightly above the knee, 60 g of peanuts, and 6 grains hungcao. Clean up the materials and cut into pieces as needed. add water and wine as much to the materials entirely submerged (approximately 1 cm above it). then the team that potion. when cold, strain and filter drinking water twice a day. each half of the potion.
• Stomachache
Wash the fresh young leaves sufficiently, then milled until smooth, add a little whiting, then stir until smooth. Dab on a sore abdomen.
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