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Saturday, June 4, 2011

(Cordyline fruticosa [L.] Cheval)

Tribe: Liliaceae
Simplisia Name: Cordylinae Folium (leaf Cordylinae).

This plant is usually planted as an ornamental plant in the garden, park, or cemetery. Ordinary also used as a fence or barrier plant in the plantation because striking red color. Rhumpius called terminal, which means shrubs borders. Cordylinae come from East Asia and can be found from the plains to a height of 1900 m above sea level. Shrubs up to 2-4 m tall, rarely branched, round bars, hard, old leaves fall off a ring. single leaf of red-brown. but there are also green. where the leaves scattered on stem, mainly gathered at the end of the rod with the location of dense and structured to form roset spiral rod. Leaf blade 20-60 cm long and 5-13 cm wide. Pointed tip and the base, flat edge, bone pinnate, and the base of the gutter-shaped leaves. Panicle-shaped compound interest, out of the armpit leaves, length about 30 cm, pink, green , or pale yellow. Fruit shaped like a ball with a shiny red color. Shiny black seeds. Young leaves can be eaten green as a vegetable. When cooking the rice with the package leaves the older buggy will give you a taste delicious. Propagation by cuttings or bud separation.

The nature and Benefits
Cordylinae taste sweet, fresh, and is cool. Conditioning efficacious as blood, stop bleeding (hemostatis), and destroys the frozen on darh bruises.

Chemical Ingredients
Cordylinae leaves contain saponins, tannins, flavonoids, polyphenols, steroida, polysaccharides, calcium oxalate, and iron.

Part used
Leaves, flowers, and medicinal roushydoll root. Simplicia Use fresh or dried.

How to Use
For the drug in a drink, boiled leaves of 15-30 g, 9-15 g of dried flowers, or roots of 6-10 g. To the outside medicine, wash leaves a fresh taste buggy, cut into pieces, plus 1 g of salt. Finely milled until creamed. Spread on the wound and dressing.

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