(Abelmoschus [L.] Medic.)
Tribe: Malvaceae
Cotton can be found at an altitude of 1-650 m above sea level. Shrubs, short-lived, grew up, high 0,5-2,5 m. Stems round, the base of woody, branching slightly, overgrown with coarse hair. Leaves single, long-stemmed. Leaf blade sloping , or shared five very deep, jagged edge, pointed tip, heart-shaped base, radius bone, the surface rough-haired, 6-22 cm long, 5-20 cm wide, green. Single flower, bell-shaped, large, petals 5 fruit, 3,5-10 cm long, yellow. Kasturi seeds produce oil that is used as a mixture of cosmetics, rheumatism liniment, and the powder mixture to soften the skin and skin rash drug. Cotton can be propagated by seeds.
The nature and Benefits
The root of it was a bit sweet, its cool, heat relief (antipyretic), Facilitate urine (diuretics), anti-inflammatory, and launch expenses pus.
Chemical Ingredients
Roots ASIRI oils, fats, palmitic acid, sterols / terpen. The seed contains ά-sitosterol, mirisetin, and glycosides.
Roots used for treatment:
• High fever
• Coughing
• It is difficult bowel movement
• urinary tract stones
• The seed is used to overcome the headaches.
How to Use
To drug intake, 10-15 g of boiled fresh roots, and water rebusannya drunk. For external use, wash the fresh leaves, and grind until smooth. Put these ingredients in a boil, sore, or broken bones (fractures), and then bandaged with gauze. Alternatively, soak the flowers in coconut oil, and rub on burns or wounds caused scalded.
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