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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hibiscus Mutabilis
(Hibiscus Mutabilis L.)

Tribe: Malvaceae
Simplisia Name: Hibisci Mutabilis folium .

Crops are usually planted in parks, at home as a hedge plant, or growing wild in the woods and fields. This plant can be found at an altitude of 1-900 m dpl.
upright plants, 2-5 m high, with several branches, and fine hair. Single leaf, stem with 5-8 cm long, put the turns, big leaf sheets, fingers 3-5, tip narrow, recessed base, serrated edges, leaves 10-20 cm long, 9-22 cm wide, the leaf surface is coated hair fine. Flowers large, 7-10 cm diameter, out of the hair gathered at the ends of the leaves or stems. Morning white or pink, faded by the afternoon turned into red. Fruit round, 2-5 cm diameter, filled with coarse hair, seeds recessed.
Slime from the leaves is used by people to soften and ripen a hard boil.

The nature and benefits of
Feeling a bit spicy, cold nature, in the meridian of the lungs and liver. This herbal nutritional antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, blood cleansing, remove swelling, improve the production of pus, and stop the bleeding (hemostatis).

Chemical content
Flowers containing anthocyanin, isoquercitrin, hyperin, hyperoside, rutin, quercetin-4-glucoside, spiraeoside, quercimitrin, cyanidin 3.5-diglucoside, cyanidin 3-rutinoside-5-glucoside.
The leaves contain tannin, phenol, amino acid and reducing sugar.

Part used
Flowers, leaves and roots. Dried flowers and roots, while the leaves can be used fresh or dried with dried under protection, then rolled to make ground.

How to Use
To drink, boil leaves and 10-30 g of dried flowers, fresh or `50 g. 50-1 If using the fresh root, boiled roots of 30-60 g.
For external use only, minced fresh flowers and leaves to taste until smooth. Apply at abscess, purulent inflammation of the skin, breast inflammation, inflammation of the tract and lymph nodes, wounds exposed to hot water, burns, snake bites, and injuries hit.

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