Nothopanax Scutellarium
(Nothopanax Sculellarium Merr.)
(Nothopanax Sculellarium Merr.)
Tribes: Araliaceae
Crude Name: Nothopanasis Scutellarii Folium .
This plant is often grown as an ornamental or hedge plant, although can be found growing wild in fields and the river bank. These plants seldom or never flowered, like the open space which the sun or a little shielded, can be grown at an altitude of 1-200 m above sea level.
Annual shrub, growing upright, height 1-3 m. Stem woody, branched, round, long and straight. Single leaves, stemmed, rather thick, round shape notched like a bowl, base heart shaped, serrated edge, diameter 6-12 cm, bone pinnate, green color master. Compound interest, the shape of an umbrella, it's green. Fruit flat, green. Seeds small, hard, brown color.
Long time ago, in an emergency leaves are used as plates or bowls to eat sago so-called leaf bowl. The young leaves can be eaten as salad, raw cream, or cooked and prepared vegetables. The leaves can also be used for cattle feed. Propagated by stem cuttings.
Nature and Usefulness
Nutritious roots as a facilitator urine (diuretic). nutritious leaves as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory.
Chemical content
Stems and leaves contain calcium oxalate, peroxidase, amygdalin, phosphor, iron, fat, protein, and vitamins A, B1, and C.
Portion used
Roots and leaves.
How to Use
Take the leaves and then boiled and drunk enough.
For external use, older leaves finely milled, and smeared on the affected part.
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