DRUG conjunctivitis from Hibisci mutabilis Folium
To drink, boil leaves and 10-30 g of dried flowers, fresh or `50 g. 50-1 When using the fresh root, boiled roots of 30-60 g.How to Use
For external use only, minced fresh flowers and leaves to taste until smooth. Apply at abscess, purulent inflammation of the skin, breast inflammation, inflammation of the tract and lymph nodes, scalded wounds, burns, snake bites, and injuries hit.
Crops are usually planted in parks, on the home page as a hedge, or grow wild in forests and fields. This plant can be found at an altitude of 100-900 m above sea level.
Upright shrub, 2-5 m tall, with several branches, and smooth-haired. Single leaf, stem 5-8 cm long, alternate location, big leaf blade, 3-5 bercangap fingered, pointed toes, base of curvy, jagged edge, leaf length 10-20 cm, 9-22 cm in width, both leaf surfaces coated fine hair. Flowers large, 70-10 cm diameter, out of the armpit or gathered at the tip of the leaf stalks. Morning white or craps, withered late afternoon turned into red. Fruit round, 2-5 cm in diameter, filled with coarse hair, seeds scooped.
Mucus from the leaves is used by residents to soften and ripen boils hard.
Nature and Usefulness
Somewhat spicy flavor, is cool, incoming meridian lungs and liver. This herb efficacious antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, blood cleansing, eliminating swelling, pus launched an expenditure, and stop the bleeding (hemostatis).
Chemical content
Flowers contain anthocyanins, isoquercitrin, hyperine, hyperoside, rutin, quercetin-4-glucoside, spiraeoside, quercimitrin, cyanidin 3.5-diglucoside, cyanidin 3-rutinoside-5-glucoside.
Leaves contain tannins, phenols, amino acids, and reducing sugar.
Portion used
Flowers, leaves and roots. Flowers and roots are dried, the leaves can be used while fresh or dried with a drying them under the guards, then milled to become powder.
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