(Hibiscus tiliaceus L.)
(Hibiscus tiliaceus L.)
Efficacy and hibiscus plants for health benefits are:
Pulmonary TB
Cut into pieces 1 handful of fresh hibiscus leaves, then wash. Add 3 cups water, then boil it until the water remaining 3/4. Once cool, strain and drink 3 times a day, each 3/4 cup drinking.
Wash the 10 pieces of fresh hibiscus leaves, then cut into pieces. Add 3 cups water, then boil until the remaining 3/4. Once cool, strain and drink 3 times a day, each 1 / 3 part. Before the cool add honey to taste.
Coughing up phlegm
Wash 10 hibiscus leaves are still young and clean. Then add sugar to egg-sized rock dove. Add 3 cups water, then boil until the remaining 3/4. Once cool, strain and drink 3 times a day, each 1 / 3 part. Before the cool add honey to taste
Wash 1 handful of fresh hibiscus leaves, then boiled in 2 cups water until the remaining 1 1/2 cups. Once cool, strain and filter the water used to rinse, continue to drink, 3-4 times a day, every time is quite a mouthful.
Eating hibiscus leaf buds are still young as a salad.
Dysentery and lenders in children
Wash seven young hibiscus leaves (which are still buds) until clean. Add 1/2 cup of water while squeezing until the water thickens like jam. Add the palm sugar for peanuts, stirring until dissolved. Squeeze and strain using a piece of fine cloth. Drinking water filter as well.
Vomiting blood
Wash the 10 pieces of fresh hibiscus leaves thoroughly, then finely minced. Add 1 cup water with a squeeze, then strain and add sugar water to taste, then drink all at once.
Hair loss
Wash 30 sheets of fresh hibiscus leaves and 20 leaves of fresh cotton, then milled until smooth. Add 2 tablespoons of castor oil and lemon juice, stirring until blended. Strain the mixture using a piece of cloth as he squeezed. Use the lemon to scrub the scalp with a light massage. Do the evening after a bath, then wrap the hair with a towel or piece of cloth. Next wash your hair the next day. Do 3 times a week.
Wash 5 pieces of fresh hibiscus leaves, then milled until smooth. Add salt to taste water until a dough like mush. Apply on the boil and the surrounding area, then wrapped with gauze. Replace herb 2-3 times a day.
Pain during urination in children
Wash 5 pieces of fresh hibiscus leaves, add the fennel and pulosari sufficiently, then milled until smooth. Use this mixture as a poultice
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