(Brassica oleracea var. Capitata)
Tribe: Cruciferae (Brassicaceae).
Cabbage family have enough type. Commonly grown in Indonesia, including cabbage, cabbage flowers, broccoli, cabbage sprout, cabbage rabbis, and kale. This cabbage types inferred from the wild cabbage Brassica oleracea var.syvestris, which grows along the Mediterranean coast, the coast of England, Danish, and the north western France. Wild cabbage is a plant that grows as the Biennial, and there is also a perenial. Which have been cultivated cabbage made into annual crops. To get the seeds, sprouts are allowed to grow as the plant Biennial. These vegetables can be planted in lowland and upland with rainfall average of 850-900 mm. The leaves are round, oval to oblong, forming roset large roots and thick, leaf color variety, including white (forma alba), green, red and purple (forma rubra). At first the waxy leaves grow straight, curved leaves grow next, covering the young leaves of the latter grew. Leaf growth stops are marked with the formation of crop or tekur (head) and the next crop of cabbage shoots (Brussels sprouts). Furthermore, the crop will be broken small leafed, upright crown, yellow. Fruit fruit pods cylindrical, 5-10 cm long, seedy. Seeds 2-4 mm in diameter, gray-brown. Age harvest vary, ranging from 90 days to 150 days. fresh cabbage leaves and crisp crunchy taste that can be eaten raw and cooked, mixed salads, or disayur The nature and Benefits Protect the body from radiation hazards, inhibits tumor growth and laxatives.
Chemical Ingredients
Fresh cabbage contains water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamins (A, C, E, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide), calcium, and beta carotene. It also contains compounds sianohidroksibutena (CHB), sulforafan, and iberin which stimulates the formation of glutathione.
Example Usage
• premenstrual syndrome, candidiasis and fungal infections
• Drink fresh cabbage juice every day. Cabbage juice can also be used to wash the genitals (vaginal douche).
• Constipation
eat cabbage every day, either raw or cooked.
• ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract
Drink ½ cup of fresh cabbage juice, 2 times a day do.
• Protects the body from the radiation beam
eating fresh sprouts every day as lalap or cabbage juice.
• increase breast milk production
Cabbage juice can be given to pregnant mothers shortly before birth
• Lowers blood cholesterol levels high
¼ Wash the cabbage fresh medium until clean, rinse with boiled water, then cut into pieces as needed, the cabbage juice and juice drinks as well, do every day.
• poultice of cabbage can cause blisters if worn for several hours.
• If the cabbage juice is consumed continuously, can reduce the amount of iodine in the body. As a result the thyroid (thyroid) iodine deficiency. To prevent multiply consuming food sources of iodine, such as seaweed (kelp
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