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Saturday, June 4, 2011

(PhyllanthuNiruri L.)

Tribe: Euphorbiaceae

Phyllanthi herb grows wild in damp places and rocky, like the water along the channel, the bushes, and abandoned land in the grass. This plant is found in lowland until height of 1000 m above sea level. Grow up, 30-50 cm tall, branching. pale green stems (P.niruri) or reddish green (P.urinaria). Where a single leaf turns. Round leaf blade until the round eggs lengthwise, tip blunt, base rounded, the lower surface of the glans spots, the average length of about 1.5 cm, width of about 7 mm, green. in one plant have female flowers and male flowers. Male flowers under her arm out of leaves, female flowers leaf out above the armpit. Fruit boxes, round and flat, slippery 2-2,5 mm in diameter. Small seeds, hard, kidney-shaped, brown.

The nature and Benefits
These herbs taste a little bitter, sweet, mild nature, astringen, bembersihkan efficacious anti-inflammatory, analgesics fever (antipyretic), Facilitate urine (diuretic), sputum Facilitate, Facilitate period, explain the vision, and increase appetite.

Chemical Ingredients
Phyllanthi herb contains filantin, hipofilantin, potassium, resin, and tannins. Hipofilantin efficacious Filantin and protect liver cells from toxic substances (hepatoprotektor).

Example Usage
• Agency swollen kidney inflammation
Wash 50 g of fresh herbs Phyllanthi whole, boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining half. after cold filtered, and the water was divided into 3 parts to 3 times a drink.
• Dysentery
Simmer 30-60 Phyllanthi fresh herbs in 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. If the patient dirt constantly runny, add the palm sugar into the boiling water, if the dirt with blood, add rock sugar to taste. Once cool, strain and drink at the same time, do 2-3 times a day
• Hepatitis
30-60 g Phyllanthi Wash fresh herbs, then boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup. after the cold and filtered drinking water at once. Apply once daily for 1 week.
• Nyctalopia
15-20 g Phyllanthi Wash fresh herbs, then the team with 2 pieces of chicken liver, after eating his heart cold and drink the water.
• Ulcer in the eyelid P
hyllanthi herbs boiled in 1 cup of water. Once cool, use to wash the eye using special glasses.

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