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Saturday, June 4, 2011

(Azadirachta indica Juss.)

Tribe: Meliaceae
Simplisia Name: Azadirachtae indicae Folium (leaf azadirachta).

Azadirachta grow wild in the street, forest, atu planted in the garden as a medicinal plant shade tau. These plants grow quickly and can be found at an altitude of 1-300 m above sea level. Height 10-15 m. Trunk straight, round, woody, rough surface, brown. pinnate compound leaves, where the child turns leaves, and short-stemmed. Oval leaf blade extends to elliptical, the tip curved, pointed tip and base, the edge with coarse teeth, bones pinnate, leaves a bone where the mother is not symmetric, 3-7 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, green. Compound interest, at the end of the branches, are white. Fruit buni, oval, green. Azadirachta called bead tree because it has a hard seed.

The Nature and Benefits
Azadirachta taste bitter, spicy, is cool. nutritious leaves tonic, relief of fever (antipyretics), anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, accelerate wound healing, remove intestinal worms (anthelmintik), antimalarial, killer insects (insecticidal), turn off sperm (spermicidal), prevent vomiting, and took poison (detoxicant). Azadirachta as natural insektisidal also worked as an environmentally friendly pesticide.
Bark taste bitter, astringen. Oil from the seeds azadirachta have antifungal and antiviral activity.

Chemical Ingredients
Leaves contain meliacins, liminoids, bitter triterpenoid substances, sterols, tannins, and flavonoids. mimba wood contains resin.
Margosa oil seeds produce a nutritious insektisidal and antiseptic.

Part used
Leaves, flowers, bark, seeds, and medicinal oils as well.

How to Use
For drugs taken, boiled 5-7 fresh leaves, and drank.
For external use only, minced fresh azadirachta leaves until smooth, then wring it out. Use water to compress eczema, ringworm, dermatitis, fungal infections, acne, psoriosis, ulcers, boils, sore ears, and aching joints and muscles. Water boiled leaves can be used to rinse the hair and scalp so that hair does not fall off, kill head lice and their eggs, as eye drops in eye inflammation (conjunctivitis) and night blindness, as well as ear drops. Oil from the seeds azadirachta used as skin and hair lotions.

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