Centella Asiatica
(Centella asiatica [L.] Urban)
Tribe: Umbelliferae (Apiaceae).
Simplisia Name: Centeeae Herb (Herba Centella asiatica).
Centella asiatica grows wild in the meadow, the edge of the ditch, field, or planted as ground cover in plantations and in the garden as a vegetable crop. Centella asiatica come from the Asian tropics, like the soil slightly moist, enough sunshine, or somewhat shielded, can be found in the lowland areas to areas with an altitude of 2500 m above sea level. Centella asiatica is not trunked, has a short rhizome and shoots creeping, 10-80 cm long, roots out of each segments, many of which form the branching of new plants. Leaves single, long-stemmed, roots are arranged in roset consisting of 2-10 leaves. Kidney-shaped leaf blade, serrated edge, sometimes a little hairy, 1-7 cm in diameter. Bouquet of flowers arranged in the form of an umbrella, or single flowers 3-5 together out of the armpit leaves, pink or white. Small fruit, dependent, oval, 2-2,5 mm long, fragrant smell, and taste bitter. leaves can be eaten raw for stomach amplifier. Centella asiatica can be propagated by division of shoots and seeds.
The nature and Benefits
Sweet herbs, its cool, nutritious tonic, anti-infective, anti-toxic, anti-rheumatic, stopping bleeding (hemostatis), Facilitate urination (mild diuretic), cleaning the blood, bile reproduce, reliever fever (antipyretic), tranquilizers (sedatives), accelerate wound healing, and dilate peripheral blood vessels (peripheral vasodilator). Sedative efficacy occurs through a mechanism kolinergik in the central nervous system.
Chemical Ingredients
Centella asiatica contains asiaticiside, thankuniside, isothankuniside, madecassoside, brahmoside, brahminoside, brahmic acid, madasiatic acid, hydrocotyline, mesoinositol, centellose, carotenoids, mineral salts, bitter substances vellarine, and tanning substances.
Part used
Parts used are all parts of herbaceous plants, except roots.
How to Use
For drugs taken, washing 30-60 g of fresh herbs, then boiled in 3 cups water until remaining 1 glass. Another way in grinder until smooth, then squeeze and feelings in drinking water. It could also, brewed 1-2 g of dry powder with hot water. After a cold drink at once.
For external use only, minced fresh herbs until smooth, then attach to the sick, such as ulcers, bleeding wounds, festering wounds, tuberculosis (TB) skin, shingles, eczema, and snake bites. Another way of fresh herbs boiled water and use as a mouthwash masaknnya to wash sores or bleeding and festering wounds. Extract oil can be used to stimulate hair growth.
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