Barleria Cristata
(Barleria cristata L.)
(Barleria cristata L.)
Tribe: Acanthaceae
Crude Name:
India native plants are generally grown as hedge.
Shrubs, 1-3 m high, much branched. Stem woody, round, haired, green-brown. Single leaf, line of sight, until the lancet blade elliptical, pointed tip and the base, flat edge, bone pinnate leaf, both surfaces hairy, 4-8 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, green or yellowish green color. Flowers single or in pairs, in the armpits of the leaves and stem tip, the crown of glandular-haired, upper lip four share the crown, oval, color violet. Fruit elliptical, 1.5 cm long, three-to four-lipped, brown. Seeds small, flat, brown color.
Nature and Usefulness
Efficacious as a facilitator leaves urine (diuretic) and reducing swelling. While nutritious roots can reduce swelling.
Chemical content
This plant's leaves contain polyphenols and Pectic substances. Stems contain polyphenols, saponins, flavonoida, calcium oxalate, fat, Pectic substances, and acid formik. While the roots contain polyphenols, saponins, and flavonoida.
Portion used
Leaves, roots, and seeds.
Example Usage
Prepare as much as 1 handful of fresh leaves and wash clean. add ¼ teaspoon whiting. mashed until smooth, then dab on a sore spot.
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