Justicia Gendarussa
(Justicia gendarussa Burm.f.)
(Justicia gendarussa Burm.f.)
Tribe: Acanthaceae
Crude Name: Gendarussae Folium , Gendarussae Radix .
This plant grows wild in the forest, river embankments or planted as a medicinal plant or hedge. In Java, growing at an altitude of 1-500 m above sea level.
Shrub, growing upright, 0,8-2 m high, stems woody, branched, segmented, blackish brown, shiny. Leaves single, short-stemmed, crossed opposite position. Lancet-shaped leaves, flat edge, pointed tip, base form of seeds, bones, pinnate, 5-20 cm long, 1-3,5 cm wide, dark green color. Compound interest are arranged in a series of panicles, leaves out of the armpit or the tip branching, crown shape tube, two-lipped, white. Fruit elliptical shape. Seeded four, slick.
This plant is more popular trunked blackish brown, although there is also a trunked green. The leaves can be used to kill insects. Propagation by stem cuttings.
Nature and Usefulness
Leaves are a spicy flavor, slightly acidic, and neutral. Efficacious blood circulation. Obstruction interrupts the blood, anti-rheumatic, facilitator of sweat (diaforetik), facilitator urine (diuretic), and laxatives. While the character of its bark as a stimulant to vomit.
Chemical content
Justisin, essential oils, potassium, calcium oxalate, tannins and alkaloids are somewhat toxic.
Portion used
Leaves and roots. Use fresh or dried.
How to Use
30-60 g of fresh leaves boiled or pounded and squeezed, the water was drunk. If using dry leaves, boiled as much as 15-30 g. Roots as much as 3-10 g of boiling water, drink.
For external use only, finely chopped fresh herbs and then smeared on a sore spot.
• Pregnant women are prohibited from using these herbs.
• In India and Southeast Asia, Genderusa used as drug fever relievers, stimulants vomiting, rheumatism, sore lump, paralysis of facial muscles, ekzema, sore eyes, and ear pain.
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