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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mulberry (Morus alba L.)

Tribe: Moraceae
Crude Name: Folium Mori (Mulberry leaves), Mori Ramulus (mulberry twigs), Mori Fructus (fruit of the mulberry), Mori, Radix (roots of mulberry).

This plant originated dai China, grow well at an altitude of more than 100 m above sea level. And requires enough sunlight. This plant has been cultivated like a pretty wet place such as on the slopes, but on the ground that berdrainase good. Sometimes found growing wild.
Tree, about 9 m high, branching many, smooth-haired young branches. Single leaf, the position of alternate, 1-4 cm long stemmed. Leaf blade ovate to heart-shaped, pointed tip, base obtuse, serrated edge, bone pinnate, somewhat prominent, the upper and lower surfaces rough, 2,5-20 cm long, 1,5-12 cm wide, it's green. Plural form of bunches of flowers, leaves out of the armpit, it was white. in one tree, there are male and female flowers and perfect flowers are separate. These plants bloom throughout the year. Many of his men buni fruit, juicy and tasted good. Young fruit color is green, when ripe black. Tiny black seeds.
This plant is cultivated for its leaves used to feed silkworms. Tasty young leaves in the vegetable and efficacious as a cleaner for frequent blood boil. Propagation by cuttings and grafting.

Nature and Usefulness
Leaves are bitter, sweet, cool, enter the lung and liver meridians. Efficacious as a facilitator farts (carmintive), facilitator of sweat (diaforetik), facilitator urine (diuretic), cooling the blood, fever relief, and explain the vision.
The fruit is sweet, cold, got the heart meridian, liver and kidney. Maintaining the blood and the "yin", strengthen kidneys, diuretics, facilitator sputum (expectorant), hypotensive, eliminating hunger, improving blood circulation and tonic effects on the heart.
Root bark is sweet, cool, got lung meridian. Efficacious as antiasmatik, espektoran, diuretics, and eliminate swelling (detumescent).
The twigs are bitter, neutral, enter the liver meridian. Efficacious as carmintive, antipyretic, analgesic, antireumatik, and stimulate formation of collateral.

Chemical content
Leaves contain ecdystreone, inokosterone, lupeol, β-sitosterol, routine, moracetin, isoquersetin, scopoletin, scopolin, α-, β-hexenal, cis-β-hexenol, cis-γ-hexenol, benzaldehide, eugenol, linalool, Benzyl alcohol, butylamine, acetone, trigonelline, adenine, amino acids, copper, zinc, vitamins (A, B, C and carotene), klorogenik acid, acid fumarate, folic acid, acid formyltetrahydrofolik, and mioinositol. Also contain phytoestrogens.
Part twigs contain tannins and vitamin A. The fruits contain cyanidin, isoquercetin, saccharide, linoleic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, and vitamins (carotene, B1, B2, and C).
Bark contains (1) triterpenoids: α-, β-amyrin, sitosterol, sitosterol-α-glukoside.
(2) flavonoids: morusin, cyclomorusin, kuwanone, A, B, C, oxydihydromorusin. (3) Comarins: umbelliferone, and scopoletin.
Root bark contains flavone derivatives mulberrin, mulberrochromene, cyclomulberrin, cyclomulberrohromene, morussin, and mulberrofuran A. Also contains betulinic acid, scopoletin, α-amyrin, β-amyrin, undecaprenol, and dodecaprenol.
Seed: urease.

Portion used
Leaves, twigs, fruit, and root bark. For storage, the new steamed dried fruit, cut in thin slices and dried twigs, bark and roots washed and cut in thin slices and then dried in the sun to dry.

How to Use
to drink, choose one favorite part. When the root bark 10-15 g; twigs 15-30 g; was 5-10 g of leaves boiled once, can also use the maximum dose of 20-40 g. For the dose 10-15 g fruit, boiled and then drunk.
For external use, fresh leaves, finely milled, and then smeared on the affected part.

• leaf abroad have made the drug injection. Injecting drug causes local pain at the injection site, sometimes arising chills, fever, and headaches that do not require special treatment.
• use twigs should be avoided when there is Yin deficiency syndrome.
• fruit consumption should be avoided when it is cold and diarrhea caused by deficiency of the spleen and stomach.

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