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Sunday, May 29, 2011

(Plantago mayor L.)

Tribe: Plantaginaceae
Crude Name: Plantaginis herbaceous , plantaginis Semen.

Plantago is a weed in tea and rubber plantations, or growing wild in forests, fields, and a slightly damp lawn, often planted in a pot as medicinal plants. This plant originated from Asia and Europe, can be found from lowland until height of 3300 m above sea level. This plant is widespread in the world and has been known since time immemorial and is one of 9 medicinal plants which is considered sacred in the Anglo-Saxon.
Chronic Herbaceous plant, grow upright, 15-20 cm high. Leaves single, long stemmed, arranged in roset roots. Round leaf shape egg until Lancet broad, flat or serrated edge irregularly rough, smooth or slightly hairy, curved bones, 5-10 cm long, 4-9 cm wide, it's green. Bead of compound interest are arranged in a length of about 30 cm, small, white. Fruit oval or ovate, containing 2-4 seeds are black and shriveled. The young leaves can be cooked as a vegetable. Propagated by seed.

Nature and Usefulness
This herb is sweet and cold. Efficacious as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, reliever fever (antipyretic), facilitator urine (diuretic), the facilitator sputum (expectorant), cough medicine (anitusif), stop bleeding (hemostatis), astringent, explain the vision to normalize excessive liver activity, and eliminating thirsty.
Seeds are sweet, cold, got meridian kidney, liver, small intestine and lung. Efficacious as a diuretic, aphrodisiac, healthy lung, expectorant, laxative (laksans), soothes liver and explains heat vision. Decoction of the seeds increased expenditure of urea, uric acid, and sodium chloride.

Chemical content
This herb contains plantagin, aukubin, ursolik acid, β-sitosterol, n-hentriakontan, and plantagluside consisting of methyl D-galakturonat, D-galactose, L-arabinose and L-rhammosa. Also contains tannin, potassium and Vitamins (B1, C, A). Potassium is the facilitator urine and dissolve the calcium salt deposits found in the kidneys and bladder. Aukubin active substances in addition to nutritious protect the liver against toxic effects that can damage liver cells (hepatoprotective), is also efficacious antiseptic.

Portion used
Herbs, seeds, roots. Seeds were collected after being cooked and then reheated with salt water.

How to Use
As much as 10-15 g of dried herbs or fresh, as much as 15-30 g of boiling water, then drink the water. Herbs can also be ground finely and then squeezed and filtered for drinking.
For external use only, finely chopped fresh herbs and then smeared on a sore spot.

In order not to stick to the pan or with other bulbs, leaves, seeds should be incorporated into a cloth bag whenever you want to be boiled.
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Cajanus Cajan
(Cajanus cajan [Linn.] Millsp.)

Tribe: Papilionaceae (Leguminosae)
Crude Name: Cajani Folium .

Cultivated Cajanus cajan in Java as food crops or used as green manure. This plant can be found from the lowlands to 2000 m asl. Growth requires a lot of sunlight and do not tolerate damp conditions.
Grow as upright shrub, 1-2 m high, stems woody, round, grooved, hairy, green-brown. Leaves gathered three, short-stemmed. Leaf blade ovate to elliptic, spreading, tip and base of the pointy, flat edge, bone pinnate, the color green. Compound interest out of the armpit leaves, the shape of bunches, bouquets 15-30 cm, the crown shape of butterflies, yellow. Fruit pods, 4-10 cm long, hairy, flat, green. Seeds small, round. Seed coat color can be grayish white, yellow, brown or black.
The young pods can be eaten. Old pods roasted or made a kind of tempeh. The young leaves can be eaten raw, boiled or steamed. Propagated by seed.

Nature and Usefulness
Efficacious as blood-forming leaves. Roots efficacious as tranquilizers (sedatives), facilitator sputum (expectorant), drug injury, and drug eradication of worms (anthelmintic). Meanwhile, remove seeds nutritious swollen.

Chemical content
Leaves contain flavonoida, saponins, and polyphenols. Medium containing stem flavonoida, saponins, and tannins.

Portion used
Leaves, roots and seeds.

How to Use
Fresh leaves were boiled cell 1-2, and then drunk.
For external use, fresh leaves, finely milled, and then used to cover body parts that hurt.
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Example Usage
Wash five medium-sized fresh carrots, and juice or grated. Squeeze, then filter. Drinking water filter as well. Do it every day.

1-1.5 m tall, grows in cool temperature of 20 º C. Kind of a lot of carrots, grow well at altitude 500-1000 m asl or 1000-2000. To grow requires sandy soil rich in organic material and sufficient sunlight. Carrots grow throughout the year.
Carrots short-trunked, wet, leaf stalk is a collection that came out of the upper end of the tuber. Double compound leaf, the base widens into upih, oval, pointed end, notched base, 15-20 cm long, 10-13 cm wide, pinnate green bone. Flowers gathered in the compound umbrella, star-shaped crown, smooth, white. White oval seeds. taproot, swelling into tubers fleshy orange. Carrots were harvested after 60-90 days of age. Carrots may be eaten raw, in juice, and soup or salad can be made. With its natural sugar content is high enough, a carrot juice can increase the body's energy.

Nature and Usefulness
Nutritious carrot roots strengthen liver function, launched a piss, get rid of useless material through the kidneys, antiseptics, laxatives, and protects the body from toxic chemicals. Wild carrot leaves and seed and launch a powerful diuretic menstruation.

Chemical content
Fresh carrots contain water, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, ash, nutrients, anti-cancer, natural sugars (fructose, sucrose, dextrose, lactose and maltose), pectin, glutathione, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, chromium), vitamins (beta-carotene, B1, and C) and asparagine.
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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tribe: Apocynaceae
Crude Name: Rauwolfiae Radik .

This plant is sometimes found in the yard of the house as an ornamental plant, but more often grows wild in fields, forests of teak, or other places to a height of 1000 m above sea level.
Upright shrub, annual, high-reach 1m, gummy, cylindrical stem, branch, brown-gray, issued a clear fluid when broken. Leaves single, short-stemmed, sit facing rocky or crossed, the form of spurs or elongate ovate, tip pointed, base narrowed, margin flat, bone pinnate, 30-20 cm long, 2-9 cm wide, upper surface green, lower surface color younger. Compound interest, the shape of an umbrella that comes out from the tip of the stem, crown flower color is red. Stone fruit fruit, round egg, young black color is green when ripe, seed one. Long and large roots. Called Rauwolfia serpentina root dry.

Natureand Usefulness
The roots are bitter, cold, and slightly toxic. Efficacious as a sedative (sedative), causing sleep (hypnotics), high blood pressure (hypotensive), blood flow, pain relievers (analgesics), reliever fever (anti pyretic), mitigate the heat in and heat the liver, anti-inflammatory. Stems and leaves are bitter, sweet, and cool the powerful to resist wind, hiptensif, and removal of frozen blood.

Chemical content
The roots contain alkaloids three groups, the type and amount depends on the growth of local origin.
Group I, including strong alkaline (quarterary ammonium compound): serpentine, serpentinine, and samatine. Poor absorption when used peroral (drinking).
Group II (tertiary amine derivate): yohimbine, ajmaline, ajmalilicine, tetraphylline, and tetraphyllicine.
Group III includes weakly alkaline (secondary amines): reserpine, rescinamine, deserpinidine, raunesine, and canescine. efficacious hypotensive reserpine, ajmaline, serpentine, and nutritious rescinnamine sedatives, yohimbine stimulates the formation of testosterone that can arouse sexual desire.

Portion used
Roots, stems, and leaves. Before use the roots washed and cut into small pieces and dried for storage.

How to Use
Roots, leaves, or stems as much as 25-50 g of boiling water, then drink.
For external use, the material is milled smooth then apply to where the sick or boiled water to wash the skin scabies.

• These plants increase the release of stomach acid that can cause stomach bleeding.
• Patients with gastric diseases and weak body condition do not drink this stew.
• Have created the tablet with tablet trade name Reserpin, ancom tablets, and tablet Mainshujing.
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Friday, May 27, 2011

Prevent gray hair Eclipta prostrata

How to use
Junior fashion drinking, 30-120 g cooked or fresh herbs as dried 5-10 g.
For external use, wash fresh herbs, ground up to smooth. Apply on the sore spot, and then bandaged.

Eclipta prostrata are wild plants that can be found in the open, like on the edge of the road, terrain, and the edge of the gutter. This plant can grow from the coastline to a height of 1500 m above sea level.
Many-stemmed, erect, sometimes lying on the base, the height can reach 80 cm. Round stems brownish-green, white-haired little rough. Single short-stemmed leaves. Strands of elongated oval-shaped leaves, the tip and base of the pointy, jagged edges smooth or nearly flat, bone pinn
eat. Both surface-haired leaves, touching a bit rough, the length of 2 to 3.5 cm, 5-10 cm wide, green. Compound interest, white, small. Fruit elongate, hard, and hairless.
This plant is an important medicinal plant, either on medication or chinese Ayurvedic herbal medicines for kidney and liver tonic.
Leaves can be eaten as a vegetable.

Nature and Usefulness
Eclipta prostrata taste sweet, sour, is a bit cold, astringent. This herb into liver and kidney meridians. Nutritious healthy liver and kidney, blood cool so stop the bleeding, fever reliever, antibacterial, anti toxic, and tonic on the circulatory, nervous system and digestive tract.

Chemical content
Eclipta prostate contains isoflavonoid, phytosterol, and triterpenoids Saponins, such as nicotine, α terthienyl, terthienylmethanol α, α-formyl-α terthienyl, 2 - (blind-1-3,-dynyl) -5 - (-3-en but-one -ynyl) thiophene, 5 - (3-butene-1-ynyl) -2, 2'-5'-bithinenyl-methyl acetate, wedelolactone, and tannins. Thiophene derivatives nutritious destroy worms from the digestive tract.
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DRUG conjunctivitis from Hibisci mutabilis Folium

How to Use
To drink, boil leaves and 10-30 g of dried flowers, fresh or `50 g. 50-1 When using the fresh root, boiled roots of 30-60 g.
For external use only, minced fresh flowers and leaves to taste until smooth. Apply at abscess, purulent inflammation of the skin, breast inflammation, inflammation of the tract and lymph nodes, scalded wounds, burns, snake bites, and injuries hit.

Crops are usually planted in parks, on the home page as a hedge, or grow wild in forests and fields. This plant can be found at an altitude of 100-900 m above sea level.
Upright shrub, 2-5 m tall, with several branches, and smooth-haired. Single leaf, stem 5-8 cm long, alternate location, big leaf blade, 3-5 bercangap fingered, pointed toes, base of curvy, jagged edge, leaf length 10-20 cm, 9-22 cm in width, both leaf surfaces coated fine hair. Flowers large, 70-10 cm diameter, out of the armpit or gathered at the tip of the leaf stalks. Morning white or craps, withered late afternoon turned into red. Fruit round, 2-5 cm in diameter, filled with coarse hair, seeds scooped.
Mucus from the leaves is used by residents to soften and ripen boils hard.

Nature and Usefulness
Somewhat spicy flavor, is cool, incoming meridian lungs and liver. This herb efficacious antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, blood cleansing, eliminating swelling, pus launched an expenditure, and stop the bleeding (hemostatis).

Chemical content
Flowers contain anthocyanins, isoquercitrin, hyperine, hyperoside, rutin, quercetin-4-glucoside, spiraeoside, quercimitrin, cyanidin 3.5-diglucoside, cyanidin 3-rutinoside-5-glucoside.
Leaves contain tannins, phenols, amino acids, and reducing sugar.

Portion used
Flowers, leaves and roots. Flowers and roots are dried, the leaves can be used while fresh or dried with a drying them under the guards, then milled to become powder.
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