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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Justicia Gendarussa
(Justicia gendarussa Burm.f.)

Tribe: Acanthaceae
Crude Name: Gendarussae Folium , Gendarussae Radix .

This plant grows wild in the forest, river embankments or planted as a medicinal plant or hedge. In Java, growing at an altitude of 1-500 m above sea level.
Shrub, growing upright, 0,8-2 m high, stems woody, branched, segmented, blackish brown, shiny. Leaves single, short-stemmed, crossed opposite position. Lancet-shaped leaves, flat edge, pointed tip, base form of seeds, bones, pinnate, 5-20 cm long, 1-3,5 cm wide, dark green color. Compound interest are arranged in a series of panicles, leaves out of the armpit or the tip branching, crown shape tube, two-lipped, white. Fruit elliptical shape. Seeded four, slick.
This plant is more popular trunked blackish brown, although there is also a trunked green. The leaves can be used to kill insects. Propagation by stem cuttings.

Nature and Usefulness
Leaves are a spicy flavor, slightly acidic, and neutral. Efficacious blood circulation. Obstruction interrupts the blood, anti-rheumatic, facilitator of sweat (diaforetik), facilitator urine (diuretic), and laxatives. While the character of its bark as a stimulant to vomit.

Chemical content
Justisin, essential oils, potassium, calcium oxalate, tannins and alkaloids are somewhat toxic.

Portion used
Leaves and roots. Use fresh or dried.

How to Use
30-60 g of fresh leaves boiled or pounded and squeezed, the water was drunk. If using dry leaves, boiled as much as 15-30 g. Roots as much as 3-10 g of boiling water, drink.
For external use only, finely chopped fresh herbs and then smeared on a sore spot.

• Pregnant women are prohibited from using these herbs.
• In India and Southeast Asia, Genderusa used as drug fever relievers, stimulants vomiting, rheumatism, sore lump, paralysis of facial muscles, ekzema, sore eyes, and ear pain.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Barleria Cristata
(Barleria cristata L.)

Tribe: Acanthaceae
Crude Name:

India native plants are generally grown as hedge.
Shrubs, 1-3 m high, much branched. Stem woody, round, haired, green-brown. Single leaf, line of sight, until the lancet blade elliptical, pointed tip and the base, flat edge, bone pinnate leaf, both surfaces hairy, 4-8 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, green or yellowish green color. Flowers single or in pairs, in the armpits of the leaves and stem tip, the crown of glandular-haired, upper lip four share the crown, oval, color violet. Fruit elliptical, 1.5 cm long, three-to four-lipped, brown. Seeds small, flat, brown color.

Nature and Usefulness
Efficacious as a facilitator leaves urine (diuretic) and reducing swelling. While nutritious roots can reduce swelling.

Chemical content
This plant's leaves contain polyphenols and Pectic substances. Stems contain polyphenols, saponins, flavonoida, calcium oxalate, fat, Pectic substances, and acid formik. While the roots contain polyphenols, saponins, and flavonoida.

Portion used
Leaves, roots, and seeds.

Example Usage
Prepare as much as 1 handful of fresh leaves and wash clean. add ¼ teaspoon whiting. mashed until smooth, then dab on a sore spot.
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Monday, June 13, 2011

(Plumbago zeylanica L.)

Tribe: Plumbaginaceae
Crude Name: Plumbaginis herb, Plumbaginis Radix .

These plants come from Sri Lanka, then spread throughout the tropical region, including Indonesia and Pacific islands. This leaves growing wild in fields, on the edge of the water channel or plants planted in the garden as a living fence and other places to a height of approximately 800 m above sea level.
Ascending annual plants, long trunked, height 0,6-2 m. Stem woody, round, smooth, grooved, branched. Single leaves, alternate location, stem 1.5-2.5 cm long, base of leaf stalk rather broad, embracing the stem. leaves ovate to oblong, 5-11 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, tip pointed, base obtuse, pinnate bone, it's green. Compound interest in the bunch that came out at the end of the stalk, small, hairy, white. Fruit small, elliptical, young green, after a black parent, small beans, brown. Propagation by seed or cuttings.

Nature and Usefulness
These leaves are bitter, tonic, and toxic. Efficacious to eliminate swelling and pain relievers (analgesics).

Chemical content
Leaves contain Plumbagin, 3-3-biplumbagin, 3-chloroplumbagin, chitranone (3-6-biplumbagin). Nutritious substance called Plumbagin highly toxic and in local usage can cause skin damage such as burns form blisters.

Portion used
Roots and herbs .

How to Use
Roots as much as 10-15 g, boiled for more than 4 hours.
External use, leaves crushed and rubbed on a sore spot. When using these leaves do not squeeze more than ½ hour in order not to arise as a burn blisters.

• Pregnant women are prohibited from use.
• if the resulting poisoning of the skin, wash with boric acid (boric acid).
• leaf is used only for external use.
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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Desmodium triquetrum
(Desmodium triquetrum [L.] D.C.)

Tribe: Papilionaceae (Leguminosae)
Crude Name: Desmodii triquetri Herba.

Desmodium triquetrum seat can be found from the lowlands to 1,500 m above sea level. grow wild in the open with sufficient sunlight or a little shade, and not so dry.
Chronic shrub, grows erect or climbing, 0,5-3 m high, with a wooden leg. Stem round, segmented, rough surface, branching simpodial, approximately 2 cm in diameter, brown. Single leaves, alternate, leafy leverage, broad winged petiole. Lancet leaf blade, pointed tip, base flat, flat edge, bone pinnate, 10-20 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, young brown, after the old green. Compound interest, panicle, out of the tip of the stem, the crown of the butterfly-shaped purplish-white color, smooth-haired, embedded base. Fruit pods, 2,5-3,5 cm in length. 4-6 mm wide, hairy, containing 4-8 seeds, young green, after the old brown. Small beans, kidney shape, the color brown. Propagated by seed.

Nature and Usefulness
This seems a bit bitter herbs, cool. Efficacious as a reliever fever (antipyretics), anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), killer parasites (parasitisid), increased appetite (stomakik), facilitator urine (diuretic).

Chemical content
This plant's leaves contain tannins, alkaloids hipaforin, trigonelin, tanning materials, silicate acid, and K2O. Fruit contain saponin sitting, and flavonoida, while the roots contain saponin, and tannin flavonoida.

How to use
Prepare the herb leaves as much as 15-60 g sat, then boiled and drink.
External use is used to compress hemorrhoids, abscess, back pain, and aches in the legs with finely milled herb leaves.
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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Phyllanthi acidus
(Phyllanthus acidus [L.] Skeels.)

Tribe: Euphorbiaceae
Crude Name: Phyllanthi Acidi Folium

This tree originated in India, can be grown on land of mild to severe and resistant to lack or excess of water. This many people planted trees in the yard, in fields and other places to a height of 1000 m above sea level.
Small tree, up to 10 m high, sometimes more. Branches many, thick bark. Leaves single, short-stemmed, arranged in sequence like a leaf stalk forming compound. Leaf blade circular to oblong eggs, pointed toes, base obtuse to rounded, flat edge, bone pinnate, smooth, hairless, 2-7 cm long, 1,5-4 cm wide, light green color. Stalks when the fall will leave tangible marks on the branch. Flowers come out along the branches, petals form a star, a pink crown. There are male and female flowers in a bunch. Stone fruit fruit, round flat, notched 6-8, 1,25-1,5 cm long, 1,75-2,5 cm wide, light yellow color, seeded 4-6, sour taste. A round flat seed is light brown. Propagation by seed or grafting.

Nature and Usefulness
This leaves distinctive aromatic smell, no taste, and efficacious as a laxative (purgatif) and facilitator of sputum. Root bark as a laxative and nutritious fruit.
Chemical content
leaf, bark and wood contain saponin, flavonoida, tannins, and polyphenols. The roots contain saponin, acid galus, leather substances, and toxic substances (toxic). While fruit contains vitamin C.

Portion used
Leaf, root bark, and seeds.

Fluids toxic root. We recommend not using root for treatment.
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Monday, June 6, 2011

Artemisia Vulgaris
(Artemisia vulgaris L.)

Tribe: Asteraceae (Compositae).
Crude Name: Folium Artemisiae vulgaris

Chinese herbs are finely haired and strong-smelling, enjoys a fairly moist soil and woody humus. Can be found growing wild in the woods and fields to less than 3000 m above sea level. Artemisia argyi Vant are plants grown in the garden as a medicinal plant.
Half-woody plants, many branches, grooved and hairy, grow upright, reaches 1 m. high single leaf, oval fingered edge sharing, tip pointed, the second surface smooth-haired, green color of the upper surface whitish green underneath, sitting alternate, 8-12 cm long, 6-8 cm wide. Compound interest, small light yellow color, arranged in circuit bending, out of the armpit and the tip of the leaf stalks. Fruit boxes, forms needles, small, brown. Seeds small, brown.

Nature and Usefulness
Leaves a bitter taste, spicy, warm, aromatic smell, enter the kidney meridian, lung, and spleen. Nutritious warm the meridians, dispel cold, pain relievers (analgesics), stop the bleeding (hemostatis), facilitator pee, fart facilitator, the facilitator of sweat, increased appetite (stomakik), astringent, tonic, stimulant, blood circulation and remove the freeze, preventing miscarriage, and normalize menstruation.

Chemical constituents
Leaves contain essential oils (phellandrene, cadinene, α-thujone, α-Amyrin, dihydromatricaria esters, cineole, α 1-terpineol, β-kariophilene, 1-quebrachitol, and tannins. The roots and stems contain inulin (containing artemose). While small branches containing oxytocin, Yomogi alcohol, and ridentin.

Portion used
Leaves, seeds, and roots. Use fresh or dried.

How to Use
* Fresh leaves 10-30 g (5-10 g dry) with 3 cups boiling water until remaining 1 glass. After a cold drink all at once or divided into 2-3 parts finished in a day.
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Pluchea Indica
(Pluchea indica [L.] Less.)

Tribe: Asteraceae (Compositae)
Simplisia Name: Plucheae Folium Plucheae Radix .

Pluchea indica generally grows wild in the dry areas on the hard and rocky soil, or planted as a hedge plant. These plants require sufficient sunlight or a little shade, mostly found in coastal areas near the sea to a height of 1000 m above sea level.
Small plants, grow up, reach 2 m high, sometimes more. Many branches, finely ribbed, soft-haired. Short-stemmed leaves, the position of alternate, ovate leaves strands of the breech, tapering rounded tip, serrated edge, to the gland, 2,5-9 cm long, 1-5.5 cm wide, bright green color, fragrant when crushed. Compound interest, out of the armpit and the tip of the leaf stalk, branches of flowers are numerous, yellowish-white color to violet. Fruit small, tough, chocolate with white corners. Seeds small, whitish brown. Propagated by stem cuttings is quite old.

Nature and Usefulness
Characteristic smell and aromatic leaves bitter taste, nutritious to increase your appetite (stomakik), helps digestion, sweat facilitator (diaforetik), reliever fever (antipyretic), and freshener.
Nutritious roots as a facilitator of sweat and Conditioning (demulcent).

Chemical content
Leaves contain alkaloids, flavonoida, tannins, essential oils, chlorogenik acid, sodium, potassium, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. While the root contains flavonoids and tannins.

Portion used
Leaves and roots. Use fresh or dried.

How to Use
Leaves or roots as much as 10-15 g of boiled and then drunk.
For external use, leaves finely chopped then dab on a sore spot like a stiff, scabies and ulcers.
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Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.

Tribe: Bromeliaceae.
Simplisia Name: Fructus Ananas (pineapple).

Pineapples originated from Brazil. In Indonesia, pineapples planted in gardens, yards, and other places that get enough sun at an altitude of 1-1300 m above sea level. Pineapples are fruits that are always available throughout the year.
Annual or biennial herb, 50-150 cm tall, shoots have crept in the base. Leaves gathered in roset roots and at the base which widens into a midrib. Leaf blade sword forms, clay, thick, 80-120 cm long, 2-6 cm wide, pointy end resembling thorns, barbed outboard edges and curved upward, the underside of the scaly white, green or reddish green. Compound interest, location of terminals and long-stemmed. Fruit compound, elliptical, fleshy, green, yellow when ripe. Pineapple fruit tastes good, acid to sweet. Small seeds, is often not so. The leaves can be made of fibrous yarn or rope. These fruit trees can be propagated by crown, bud stems, leaves or axillary bud.

Nature and Usefulness
Ripe fruits are cold, nutritious reduces excessive release of stomach acid, helps the digestion of food in the stomach, anti-inflammatory, facilitator urine (diuretic), clean up of dead skin tissue (skin surgical debridement), disrupt the growth of cancer cells, inhibits thrombocyte clotting (platelet aggregation), and has fibrinolytic activity.
Young fruit taste sour, nutritious boost digestive enzymes, anthelmintic, diuretic, menstrual facilitator, abortivum, facilitator sputum (mukolitik), and laxatives.

Chemical content
Fruit contains vitamins (A and C), calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dektrosa, sucrose (sugar cane), and the enzyme bromelain. Bromelain efficacious anti-inflammatory, helps soften the food in the stomach, disrupting the growth of cancer cells, inhibits platelet aggression, and has fibrinolytic activity. Fiber content may facilitate defecation in patients with constipation (constipation).
Calcium oxalate and leaves contain pectic substances.

Portion used
Parts used are the fruit and leaves.

How to Use
For drugs taken, jus1 / 2 -2 or pineapple medium-size can also be shredded, and then drunk.
For use outside medicine, peeled pineapple, and grated. Spread on a sore body parts, such as cleaning dead tissue in burns, dandruff, ulcers, ulceration, and inflammation of the skin.

• pregnant women are prohibited from drinking pineapple juice of the young.
• pineapple fruit in the gastrointestinal tract is fermented into alcohol that can cause a recurrence of rheumatic gout.
• people with diabetes are encouraged to limit the consumption of sugar pineapple because the ripe fruit is high enough.
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Eupatorium triplinerve
(Eupatorium triplinerve Vahl.)

Tribe: Asteraceae (Compositae).
Crude Name: Eupatorii triplinervis Herb.

These plants come from tropical America. This plant has many forms and can be found in offspring from lowland until height of 1600 m above sea level. Many were planted in the hills and low mountains near the housing. Bush, 50-100 cm tall. Stem woody, segmented, branched, thick-haired, pink. Single leaf, where the line of sight, lancet shaped, pointed tip, base tapering, margin flat, smooth, with three leaves that curved bone, 5-8 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, green. Compound interest, out of the tip of the stem, flower stem length of approximately 4 mm, the petals off, consisting of five leaves, petals, green, crown form of stars, small, white-haired, reddish. Kendaga fruit form. Propagation by seed or root cuttings.

Nature and Usefulness
The leaves are bitter efficacious as facilitator urine (diuretic), appetite enhancer, reliever fever (antipyretic), bleeding (hemostatis), and cough medicine (antitusif).

Chemical content
This leaves contain essential oils (such as coumarin), ayapanin (7-methoxy-coumarin), ayepin, and timohidrokuinon. Active substances and ayepin ayapanin hemostatis nutritious.
Being roots contain saponin, flavonoida and polyphenols.

Portion used

How to use
As much as 15-30 g fresh herb brewed or boiled and then drunk.
For external use, fresh herbs and then boiled the water used to wash wounds, or finely ground and used as pilis on headaches.
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Colocasia Esculenta
(Colocasia esculenta [L.] Schott)

Tribe: Araceae
Simplisia Name: Rhizoma Colocasiae esculentae

Cocolasia Esculenta generally cultivated, but occasionally grows wild and can be found up to a height of 2,000 m above sea level.
Annual plant, with a height of 0,3-1,5 m. Pseudo stem, cylindrical, rod in the ground to form tubers, soft, light brown. single leaf, wide, cylindrical shaped stemmed by 50-75 cm long, violet-colored, out of the base 4-5. Blade heart-shaped leaves elongated, flat edge, pointed tip, grooved base, 40-60 cm long, 20-30 cm wide, pinnate bone, thick, water-resistant surface on (waterproof), dark green. Single flower, leaf out of the armpit, white. Fruit is round, yellow. Seeds round, small, grooved, green color.
Tubers can be eaten with steamed way. If eaten raw, mouth and throat would itch.

The nature and Benefits
Sweet and spicy taste, is neutral.
Tubers slightly toxic, potent anti-inflammatory, reduces swelling. Leaves and stems astringent potent, anti-inflammatory.

Chemical Ingredients
Tubers and stems contain flour, villose, polyphenols and saponins. Leaves contain polyphenols.

Part used
All the medicinal plants.

How to Use
For drugs taken, boiled tubers of 60-120 g or petiole 15-60 g.
For external use, wash the next leaf stalks, then milled until smooth.
Spread on a sick place.

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Chinese Girlfriend
Aglaia Odorata Lour

Physique: tall shrubs 2-5 m, Bald, upright, Leaf: is poly morfi, compound pinnate leaves, 3-9 children generally 5, uneven, or narrow wings, with a few scales or hair or bald star, strand child leaves; bald, 1.5-11 cm long, width 1 - 4.5 cm. short-stemmed, round-shaped spatula until the eggs lengthwise reversed. leaf stalks 1-4 mm child. flowers:branching bald, 5-15.5 cm long; long flower stalks 2-6 mm. male flowers: leafy crown 5, no lies, 2-2.5 mm long, yellow. Stamens: trace 1. Male flowers: stamens base thickened tube, head tube wrapped in a sari. Fruit: fleshy, 1 seeds, 1 space.

The origin: Southeast Asia
Flowering time: January-December

Regional Distribution, Habitat and Cultivation
Tropical Asia, many are in Java, and cultivated. In Java, many maintained that the fragrant odor, especially the male plants.

Purpose in Society
Plants: maintained for a fragrant smell.
Leaf: used to treat gonorrhea, sick time period, skin diseases and blood cleanser.
Interest: used as a fragrance after childbirth and as lowering a fever.
Fruit: used as a drug itching.
Wood: as craft-making materials

How to use in the community
To reduce pain during menstruation:
infusion made from leaves 1 handful of Chinese girlfriend plus 110 ml of water, drink 1 a day, for 3 days.

To treat gonorrhea:
A quarter of China's girlfriend handheld, 1 / 5 cell myrtle leaves, 1 / 3 cup wood finger, 2 finger enaun washed sugar and cut into pieces as needed, then braised with 3 clean water glass until the stay more or less than three-quarters; after cold filtered, then taken 3 times a day each ¾ cup
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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Nothopanax Scutellarium
(Nothopanax Sculellarium Merr.)

Tribes: Araliaceae
Crude Name: Nothopanasis Scutellarii Folium .

This plant is often grown as an ornamental or hedge plant, although can be found growing wild in fields and the river bank. These plants seldom or never flowered, like the open space which the sun or a little shielded, can be grown at an altitude of 1-200 m above sea level.
Annual shrub, growing upright, height 1-3 m. Stem woody, branched, round, long and straight. Single leaves, stemmed, rather thick, round shape notched like a bowl, base heart shaped, serrated edge, diameter 6-12 cm, bone pinnate, green color master. Compound interest, the shape of an umbrella, it's green. Fruit flat, green. Seeds small, hard, brown color.
Long time ago, in an emergency leaves are used as plates or bowls to eat sago so-called leaf bowl. The young leaves can be eaten as salad, raw cream, or cooked and prepared vegetables. The leaves can also be used for cattle feed. Propagated by stem cuttings.

Nature and Usefulness
Nutritious roots as a facilitator urine (diuretic). nutritious leaves as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory.

Chemical content
Stems and leaves contain calcium oxalate, peroxidase, amygdalin, phosphor, iron, fat, protein, and vitamins A, B1, and C.
Portion used
Roots and leaves.

How to Use
Take the leaves and then boiled and drunk enough.
For external use, older leaves finely milled, and smeared on the affected part.
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